} Hot Celebrity Hollywood : [HotCelebrityHollywood] Kyesha Smith Wood Apologizes For Kids' Bad Behavior on Facebook, Post Goes Viral

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When Kyesha Smith Wood, an Alabama mom, recently learned that her children acted out at a local movie theater, she took to Facebook to apologize.

She used the post to apologize for the bad behavior of her daughter and stepdaughter and to reach out to a woman that they offended at the venue.

Her open letter apology has since gone viral. Read it below ...

Kyesha Smith Wood Photo

"This is a long shot, but I'm looking for a woman that was at Tannehill Premiere tonight seeing Cinderella at 7 pm. I dropped my teenage daughter, step daughter, and son off at the movie."

"My son later told me, much to my humiliation and embarrassment, that my girls were rude and obnoxious during the movie."

"The woman I'm looking for addressed them and asked them to be quiet and they were disrespectful."

"After the movie she approached my girls and told them that her husband had been laid off and this was the last movie she would be able to take her daughter to for a while and my girls ruined that for her."

"If you are this woman, please message me. I can assure you that these girls are being strongly dealt with and appropriately punished."

"My husband and I are having them write your apology letter tonight and we would like to pay for your next movie and snacks out of their allowance."

"This rude, disrespectful, and awful behavior is unacceptable and they owe you an apology. Please message me if this is you. I apologize profusely for their disrespect."

Wood's kind, responsible words quickly struck a chord with many.

The local Jefferson County Sheriff's Office saw it and immediately boosted the message's reach by sharing it on the office's official Facebook page.

Eventually, word of the Facebook apology reached Rebecca Boyd.

Boyd got in touch with Wood, and responded on Facebook that while yes, the kids were acting out, their mother reaching out makes all the difference:

"I am the mom from the movie theatre. I had taken my daughter to see Cinderella ... I was very upset and disappointed in the girls' behavior..."

"The note from their mom brought me to tears and shows there is still good people in the world. I have no hard feelings towards them and I am proud of their parents."

"The girls are not not bad ... they are children. Glad they are learning a lesson. I hope if my teenagers are out and they act up ... I hope someone says something to them."

Later, Wood expressed gratitude on Facebook for the support and sharing her message has received, also spoke to ABC affiliate about her experience.

"She's the most gracious and kind and forgiving woman," she said of Boyd. "I am so humbled by that ... The real hero of the story is her, it's Ms. Boyd."

"The reason that I say that is because she took it upon herself to correct my girls and nobody else around them did ... My girls are so mortified."

"They're humiliated," she said, but this is how we learn. "That's okay though. I told them, I was like, 'You know what? You're not going to do this again.'"

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The End.

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